Il gruppo Allianz
Nacqui a Riva del Garda (TN ) nel nemmeno troppo lontano marzo 1969
Residente da sempre a Malcesine, qui ho frequentato asilo, elementari e medie

Diploma in Ragioneria all'Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Floriani di Riva del Garda

Laurea in Economia Politica presso l'Università degli Studi di Trento

Esperienze lavorative in ambito turistico - commerciale

Iscritto dal 1999 all'Albo Unico Nazionale dei Promotori Finanziari [sez. Veneto n. 12060], esercito la professione dallo stesso anno.
Socio Anasf dal 2004

Dal 1999 promotore finanziario per RasBank, ora Allianz Bank

Dal 2007 al 2012 amministratore presso Casa Assistenza Anziani A. Toblini di Malcesine (VR) con delega al patrimonio, bilancio, servizi.
Anasf è l'associazione nazionale dei promotori finanziari. Nasce nel 1977 per tutelarne gli interessi morali e professionali
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Allianz offers a comprehensive range of insurance and asset management products and services to approximately 78 million customers in more than 70 countries.

Insurance Operations

Our product portfolio includes a wide range of Property-Casualty and Life/Health insurance products for both private and corporate customers. We are the leading property-casualty insurer globally and rank among the top five in the life/health insurance business.

Asset Management

As of December 31, 2012, with more than 1,852 billion euros assets under management, we are one of the largest asset managers in the world managing assets with active investment strategies.

Since January 1, 2012, we run the Asset Management business out of two distinct investment management businesses, PIMCO and Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI). Both units operate under Allianz Asset Management (AAM). We intend to tailor products, solutions and distribution that best meet our clients’ needs, and further strengthen both brands.

Particular strongholds include the United States, Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the Asia-Pacific region. As of December 31, 2012, Allianz managed 1,438 billion euros of third-party assets of which the share from institutional clients amounted to 64% while 36% came from retail clients.